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 Book review from The National Association Of Women Artists
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"A magical journey. This is a book you cannot put down. A must for any art lover's library."

—Judith Curtis, Author of "Rocky Neck Art Colony"


"Your beautiful Fern Coppedge book is amazing! Everything you need to know about our former member. It will have pride of place in our library.”

—Michael Guinn and Cynthia Arkin / The Plastic Club


 “A lovely tribute to the life and talent of Fern Isabel Coppedge!”

  —Joan Barker, Topeka High School Historical Society


 “Your Fern Coppedge book is just beautiful! A feast for the eyes! An important resource for the New Hope School.”

—Elizabeth Haff, American Works of Art, Skinner, Inc.


 “Congratulations on a spectacular book and an extraordinary volume.”

—Carl Lavo, Bucks County Historian and Journalist


 “I’ve been immersed in the book and gaining an appreciation of Fern Coppedge’s wonderfully vibrant paintings.”

—Sandra Betrand, The National Association of Women Artists (NAWA)


 “Thrilled to have this book.”

—BNH Studio


 “Gorgeous book! Well written with beautful photography.”



 “Positively gorgeous! An exhaustive job…an incredible work!”

—Harvey Klinger, Literary Agent


 “A wealth of information. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Kudos!”

—Tim Wuchter


 “Magnificent! I’ve never been more proud to be related to this incredible woman.”

—Margaret Kuns Martin (Great Niece)


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